Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Parents and Players,

We are kicking off 2011 with the first fundraiser for the Troy Athens Redhawks Football team!

On Wednesday, March 16th the players will be asked to meet after school to receive a sales packet for the Cookie Dough Fundraiser. The sales packet will include an informational letter about incentives for the players!

Here are some other dates that will be important to the success of this fundraiser:

Turn in date will be Wednesday, March 29th

We will need every player to turn in their forms by the March 29th date to ensure delivery on Wednesday, April 20th!

Anne Hazen, CSQA

Senior Software Quality Control Engineer

Wolters Kluwer Financial Services

248.879.7895 tel

248.224.1883 cell

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