Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Parent Volunteers and Participant Clarification

Attention Parents,

I am looking for some parent volunteers to help at the Lift-A-Thon on Saturday, May 30th at 1:00 pm. Mrs. Duzey has offered to help with the silent auction. I am looking for parents to help in the concession stand, and sell meal tickets. If anyone would like to volunteer, please contact me at I would like to have a count of parent volunteers no later than Friday, May 29th.

Also, if you have a son that is unable to attend the Lift-A-Thon we still need to have all of the pledges turned in by the event. If players are physically unable to participate, we would still like them at the event to help cheer on their Red Hawk Football family members. Everyone plays a huge roll in the success of this event whether they are spectating or actually participating. I will be sending out a letter through the Athens Football email blast to explain this in further detail.

Thank you for your time,

Coach Heppner

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