Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lift-A-Thon Promotions

Attention Players and Parents,

With the Lift-A-Thon arriving in four days, I highly suggest that we put in a reminder to all the people we sent out pledges to, that they come and enjoy the festivities and cheer you on during the event. We want as many people at the event that we can possibly have. This will not only create a sense of excitement during the event, but it will also allow the members of the Athens Football Community to witness first hand the hard work and dedication we've put in this off-season.

The Lift-A-Thon will start at 1:00 pm in the Athens gymnasium. There will be a silent auction for multiple gift baskets, and Series 1, game seven, autographed Redwings hockey sticks. Jason Kurtis, Owner of the Buffalo Wild Wings on John R. and Big Beaver, will be providing wings, along with two gift baskets to be auctioned for as well.


Coach Heppner

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