Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday, 10-16-09

Parents and Players,

There will be no practice on Saturday, 10-16-09. We are allowing everyone to SAFELY enjoy their Homecoming weekend without having to wake up early for practice on Saturday. We must remember that even though it is homecoming weekend, we are still being held accountable for ALL of our actions. It is your number one priority to remain safe this homecoming weekend; along with making healthy decisions that will not jeopardize your eligibility for a very important game against the other team in Troy next week. With only two weeks left in the season, it's imperative that we all strive to be the best student-athlete this community has ever seen. Enjoy the excitement that this week brings, but do not lose sight on the task at hand.

Good luck! One more opportunity to take care of business!

Coach Heppner

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